This is almost always a network issue. The key is to understand your network to avoid going in circles.
1. First, we always recommend using name brand, well known, commonly used networking equipment. If you are using a no-name brand, or something known for being problematic, the chances are this is what is causing your problems. Your networking gear needs the ability to enable and allow UPnP, Multicast, and Bonjour.
2. Make sure you have UPnP, Multicast, and Bonjour enabled
3. Make sure your VSSL unit(s) are all plugged into the same network switch
4. If you are using multiple access points on a project, you will need to make sure you are using the access point controller most appropriate to control your access points
5. Check and test your network cables to assure a secure and reliable connection
6. If you are connecting to the network via Wi-Fi (A.1x only), assure that the unit is within range of your Wi-Fi router or access point
7. If after all of this, you continue to have zones dropping, please contact Tech Support
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